Together, we’re going to redefine journalism – who it’s owned by, made by and who it serves. We’re going to build on the extraordinary power that already exists in our communities and harness journalism to spark positive change.

As a coalition, we will work together to adopt new approaches, share resources and build a new pathway for community newsrooms to start up and thrive. We hope to share infrastructure that makes it easier to diversify media ownership, design, start up and run new journalism projects and produce media that builds community power. Crucially, we'll focus on making the support available to everyone.

This work, and the organising of this coalition, was initially incubated at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism but is now transitioning to the team over at Opus Independents (yay for the power of collaboration). 

During this handover period, you won’t hear much from us while we figure out next steps but by signing up to the newsletter below, you’ll be the first to know when we have an update.
You can unsubscribe at any time by following the link in the email.

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